The up to date list of club batting records
First Grade
Wicket | Partnership | Season | Batter #1 | Batter #2 |
1st | 210 | 2010-11 | Kerry Penfold | Rob McMahon |
2nd | 243 | 2013-14 | Michael Arblaster | Nathan Brown |
3rd | 264 | 2009-10 | Kerry Penfold | Darren O'Connell |
4th | 131 | 1998-99 | Rob McMahon | Adam Johnston |
5th | 148 | 2009-10 | Rob Hill | Ryan Chatterton |
6th | 130 | 1974-85 | John Cooper | John Peady |
7th | 172 | 2009-10 | Phil Dellorefice | Michael Atkinson |
8th | 153 | 2009-10 | Darren O'Connell | Ty Cherry |
9th | 117 | 2008-09 | Rob Hill | Phil Dellorefice |
10th | 78 | 2017-18 | Andrew Twyford | Steve Upton |
Wicket | Partnership | Season | Batter #1 | Batter #2 |
1st | 201 | 2002-03 | Brett Moran | Mark Simpson |
2nd | 180 | 2010-11 | Glen Hayward | Matt Counsell |
3rd | 185 | 2009-10 | Nathan McAndrew | Steve Maloney |
4th | 122 | 2009-10 | Johno Murphy | Steve Maloney |
5th | 224 | 1991-92 | Adam Sirons | Brett Moran |
6th | 97 | 2009-10 | Michael Arblaster | Joss Lynch |
7th | 96 | 2010-11 | Johno Murphy | Jake Lickiss |
8th | 91 | 2011-12 | Joel Gray | Darren Mansfield |
9th | 60 | 1982-83 | Dave Yates | Peter Kahler |
10th | 60 | 2001-02 | Ben Tilling | Ash Kennedy |
Wicket | Partnership | Season | Batter #1 | Batter #2 |
1st | 240 | 1994-95 | John Lord | Martin Breeze |
2nd | 232 | 2008-09 | Andrew McColl | Ricky Merz |
3rd | 145 | 2019-20 | Greg Heapy | Jaye Jackman |
4th | 187 | 1990-91 | Dave Yates | John Oliver |
5th | 196 | 1999-00 | Ricky Dressino | Jason Kast |
6th | 147 | 2009-10 | Shane MacPherson | Brodie Billett |
7th | 126 | 1995-96 | Jim Parkinson | Brian Heapy |
8th | 105 | 2008-09 | Gary Zelvis | Jake Lickiss |
9th | 112 | 1988-89 | Adam Sirons | Ken Sault |
10th | 79 | 2015-16 | Greg Heapy | Terry Heapy |
Wicket | Partnership | Season | Batter #1 | Batter #2 |
1st | 194 | 2003-04 | Dave Yates | Roger Verguelius |
2nd | 294 | 2003-04 | John McGrath | Roger Verguelius |
3rd | 230 | 2003-04 | Justin Martins | Shane MacPherson |
4th | 179 | 2003-04 | Justin Martins | Clint Hidasi |
5th | 113 | 2008-09 | Chris Bartlett | Paul Suttor |
6th | 104 | 2008-09 | Shane MacPherson | Gareth Lamond |
7th | 111 | 1985-86 | John Oliver | L.Bendall |
8th | 109 | 1982-83 | Tom Heapy | R.Patzold |
9th | 71 | 1998-99 | John Lord | Dave Yates |
10th | 97 | 2008-09 | Steve Nikitara | Dave Williams |